Reclaiming the future through sustainable agriculture.ReEarth.

By unlocking the maximum potential of sustainable agriculture, we will change the narrative about the future that awaits us. The future will be green and happy, we will give it our best shot.

The ReEarth Movement

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ReEarth - Restoring the planet

Reclaiming the future through sustainable agriculture

When we challenge the time-tested, we unearth the science of the unprecedented. Privi ReEarth movement is rethinking solutions to grow more, with less. To fight climate change, stop soil depletion, aid carbon sequestration, rescue farmlands. To improve the lives of growers and the health of communities. To do everything possible to restore the planet.

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The ReEarth Movement

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ReEarth - Making agriculture resilient

Implementing climate-smart agriculture, one acre at a time

Eco-friendly and residue-free products that help the agriculture industry to feed the world’s growing population without adversely impacting the climate. At the same time, we are enabling growers to deal with the existing climate moodiness successfully.

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The ReEarth Movement

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ReEarth - Improving soil health

Restoring the Soil,
nurturing life itself

At Privi, our focus is on alleviating soil’s biotic and abiotic stresses, which help restore the health of the soil and rebalance Earth's biodiversity. It also is at the heart of growing more from less.

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The ReEarth Movement

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ReEarth - Aiding carbon sequestration

Putting carbon where it belongs,
back in the soil!

We innovate and promote solutions that efficiently condense agricultural emissions and sequester carbon while elevating the livelihoods of growers. Small steps that make big difference in reversing CO2 pollution.

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The ReEarth Movement

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ReEarth - Reducing water usage

Every drop counts in sustainable agriculture, because every drop matters for the future!

Water-smart solutions for better management of water resources and to sustainably achieve high yields with less water. We are conserving water while making growing possible in drought-prone areas.

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Our ReEarth Solutions

Soil Nutrition

Soil conditioners are proprietary blends of ingredients having a role in soil in improving the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil

Our ReEarth Solutions

Our ReEarth Solutions

Foliar Nutrition

A unique mixture fertilizer that combines the power of essential and beneficial nutrients and is fortified with natural biomolecules and stabilized Ortho Silicic Acid. It transforms the plant from vegetative to reproductive phase.

Our ReEarth Solutions

Our ReEarth Solutions

Minimal Risk Pesticide

These are a proprietary blend of essential oils (25(b) exempted) effective against soft bodied insects like thrips. A safe and reliable fertilizer that can be sprayed on crops to protect them from pest attacks.

Our ReEarth Solutions

Redefining agriculture through Innovation

Our highly proficient lab and field research team has helped innovate climate smart soil & plant health, plant growth and pest & disease protection technologies in association with global agricultural research institutes.

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Good Food Good Nutrition

Nutrient packed yields are the test of the new technologies being devised at Privi. Ecocert certified products and results make the produce valued highly across the globe making the grower happy too.

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Grower’s success is our success

We promote grower centric agriculture that fills the fields with bountiful crops of better quality. Through our natural solutions we ensure tangible results for global growers and safe and nutritious food for the consumers.